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Sitedeki kullanıcı sayısı: 5
itü dergisi
itü dergisi

itüdergisi, is published by Istanbul Technical University. This journal publishes refereed, original work in all branches of science, engineering and architecture.


itüdergisi is published in five series,

Serie A: Architecture, Planning, Design
Serie B: Social Sciences
Serie C: Basic Sciences
Serie D: Engineering
Serie E: Water Pollution Control

Series A and B publishes biannually; Serie C once in each year; Serie D every two monthes and Serie E every four monthes.

Contributions may take the form of a paper, a critical review or a short communication. Articles prepared from doctoral thesis completed in Istanbul Technical University are also published in the journal.

Articles are open to discussion starting and ending the specified date by the journal.

Articles submitted for publishing are expected to meet the following constraint : contribution to knowledge, claims within reason, logical consistency, testability and repeatability and due to reference to prior work.

Publication of itüdergisi ( commenced in the year 2002. The journal is published to communicate and record new science.



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